doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2024-24-4-529-537

Organic-inorganic light-absorbing composites for near infrared part of spectrum

S. K. Evstropiev, V. M. Volynkin, D. V. Bulyga, V. A. Ostrovskii, K. N. Makarov, K. V. Dukelskii, G. S. Polishchuk

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For citation:
Evstropiev S.K., Volynkin V.M., Bulyga D.V., Ostrovskii V.A., Makarov K.N., Dukelskii K.V., Polishchuk G.S. Organic-inorganic light-absorbing composites for near infrared part of spectrum. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2024, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 529–537 (in Russian). doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2024-24-4-529-537

Synthesis and study on structure and properties of organic-inorganic composites based on epoxy resin, CuO and Fe3O4 absorbing light in infrared part of spectrum was performed. The composites synthesis was performed by introduction of CuO and Fe3O4 micropowders into liquid epoxy composition with subsequent homogenization of the mixture and polymerization. The study on structure and properties of organic-inorganic composites was performed by methods of optical microscopy, infrared and visible spectroscopy, study on microhardness. According to the IR spectroscopy data, introduction of oxide particles leads to decrease in epoxy polymer degree of calcification. The composites containing Fe3O4 show relatively low light reflection until 4.2 % in the spectral range of 1000–1100 nm that corresponds to the theoretical estimation data. Incorporation of CuO and Fe3O4 micropowders into the epoxy polymer leads to an increase in microhardness from 120 to 160 MPa. Obtained experimental data can serve as the base for development of IR-absorbing organic-inorganic composites for laser technology.

Keywords: light absorption, composite, epoxy resin, micropowder

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